Ariana Grande and Nick Jonas on 'Scream Queens': Who Got Killed Off?

nick jonas ariana grande killed off scream queensDid Ariana Grande and Nick Jonas get killed off Scream Queens' first episode? Well, yes and no. Spoiler alert: both of their characters are "murdered," but one of them (or both, who knows?) is faking it!

In an all-too hilarious way, Ariana's Chanel Number 2 faced her untimely death by first texting with the red devil killer before he stabbed her, then she crawled to her laptop to tweet about it. Classic social media move. The only prob? Ariana got stabbed again before she could hit send...but mustered up one last breath to tweet it.

As for Nick, well, we thought maybe his character Boone died as well, as fans were treated to shirtless Jonas working out when confronted by the red devil killer, with his body later displayed on a table to show off his neck gash and blood.

Not so fast though...later, the red devil pulled Boone out of a drawer, where he said "What took you so long?" before pulling off the fake neck wound. Nick a bad guy or what? It's definitely not the last we've seen of him - and may not be the last time Ariana is spotted on Scream Queens either. E! Online's Kristin Dos Santos reports that Ariana will "be on the show again," hinting at a flashback, but many are speculating she faked her death too.

Judging by the pics of Nick wearing a crazy huge beard and long hair disguise on set, we'd say some interesting things are in store for his character.

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