Miley Cyrus Not Getting Released From Hospital, Forced to Cancel St.Louis Show

Man, Miley Cyrus just can't win this month. The singer was forced to cancel her Kansas City show Tuesday night due to a bad reaction to antibiotics and now she has to bail on her St. Louis concert too.

According to the twerking star, the hospital she was taken to won't let her out in time today for her scheduled performance Wednesday. This will be the third show Miley has had to cancel on her Bangerz tour due to illness. A few days ago she had flu-like symptoms and was put on the antibiotics.

"The hospital is sayin i wont b released today😿 therefore Im not going 2 make it 2 St Louis. Im so sorry but somethings are outta my control....I can't get a hold of my team because it is so early so I want to be the one to tell my fans especially the ones trekking to get there(tbc)," Miley posted on Twitter early Wednesday morning.

TMZ is reporting that the reason Miley has been so sick lately is because of the recent death of her dog Floyd. Sources told them that her escape has been partying, and that she's not sleeping, causing her illness and of course, putting her in the hospital.

While we could totally understand all of that, Miley just tweeted that she's planning on taking legal action against the site for their report. Hmm. Sounds like this could get messy. Either way, feel better soon, Miley!
