'Normal Barbie' creator wants to make Demi Lovato version

The new "Normal Barbie" should be a dream come true for Demi Lovato.

According to a March 5 report by Glamour, the singer once tweeted her enthusiasm for a photo featuring a Barbie with normal body proportions. The photo that Demi retweeted was the creation of an artist named Nickolay Lamm, and he's now made that viral photo a reality.

The photo received such an incredible response that Lamm got busy building an actual doll named Lammily. He's been using crowdfunding to raise money to mass produce the doll, and he's already well over his goal. "I wanted to show that a doll doesn't need to be designed with unrealistic proportions to look good," Lamm said of his creation. "You can make her with average proportions and she'll look beautiful." Lammily's proportions are based on the average measurements of a 19-year-old woman listed on the CDC website.

Now Nickolay Lamm is hoping to create a celebrity version of Lammily, and Demi Lovato is his top choice to be immortalized in plastic. In an email to the Christian Science Monitor, Lamm wrote, "If, in the future, someone like Demi wants a doll made after her and allows me to use her resemblance and name, that would obviously be a great edition to the Lammily lineup." "Human Barbie" Valeria Lukyanova will be so disappointed to learn that she's not his top choice.

Demi would make a great doll since she's battled and pretty much conquered body image issues. During an interview with Teen Vogue, she opened up about learning to accept her body instead of making herself crazy obsessing over it. "I don't have the body of a model or Barbie," she said. "My main thing about being in the spotlight with my fans is, I want to be real to them. I have my problem areas, but I'm happy in my skin right now. I'm not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body."

Demi also talked about Barbie during a concert in Brazil after a fan threw one of the dolls onto the stage. Demi picked the Barbie up and gave her Lovatics a pretty inspiring speech about body image. "I spent my whole life trying to be this and trying to look like this," she said. "And guess what? I’m not this. And it means the world to me that you guys still love me no matter what."

The big problem with the "Normal Barbie" is that she has a super-boring wardrobe. A Demi doll would have a more interesting look, and Lamm could even create a version with pink hair and a swath of her scalp shaved. You can't find an edgy Barbie like that.

Would you like to see a Demi Lovato doll on store shelves?
