Liam Payne Sparking Health Fears With 'Gym Obsession'?

Liam Payne's friends are worried that his enthusiasm for fitness might be getting unhealthy, if a new report is to be believed.

The Daily Star claims that the One Direction hunk is alarming pals with his exercise regime, which reportedly sees him living for days at a time on nothing but coffee and Kit-Kat bars.

"The intensity of life in the band seems to affect Liam more than the other boys, and going to the gym seems to be one of the only things that relaxes him," sources told the tabloid.

“But we do sometimes fear he might get carried away – especially if he’s not eating properly.”

The hunk's driving instructor Noel Gaughan, who is no stranger to talking to the press, also piped up; saying: “When I was with him recently, he went all day on just coffee and KitKats – five days in a row.

“He said he didn’t want to feel full when he wasn’t exercising. That’s all he allowed himself.”

“Liam’s got his own gym which he showed me around. It’s amazing," he recalled. "He even showed me his six pack – and when he hugged me I could really feel his muscles."

The 20-year-old will hit the road with his bandmates Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles and Zayn Malik later this year for their Where We Are stadium jaunt.

He was also reported earlier this week to be one of the quintet's highest-earning members, thanks to his increased involvement in songwriting.
