Justin Bieber's Deposition Videos: 7 Times He Made Us LOL

Poor Justin Bieber. As if those jailhouse videos weren't embarrassing enough, now clips from his recent, legal deposition have been released. proving he's got some douche-bag and comedian capabilities.

JB's deposition went down last week (his bodyguard allegedly beat up a photog awhile back, and he's being blamed for being the shot caller). TMZ just released clips (and a mashup) from the whole 4-hour-long interview, and the footage is pretty hilarious. While the Biebs acted like a total a**hole to the other team in the clip, he honestly managed to crack us up while doing it. Here are seven things Justin said (or did) during his depo that made us LOL.

1. When asked if he's ever been down under, the Biebs replied, "I don't know if I've been to Australia...have I been to Australia?"

Funny thing is, he was just there in December. That's where he called his fan a "beached whale," remember?

2. "Wh-what kind of question is that? That didn't even make sense. It didn't make sense...that's a weird question."

That was Bieber's hilarious childlike response when the other side asked him a question about his manager Scooter Braun. We'll give it to him though, the question was awkwardly put together.

3. When asked if his bodyguards will basically do whatever they have to to protect him, Bieber's answer back was epic. With a simple huff and puff he said, "Ahh...I object."

4. "This is a film? You said it's a film. You said 'watch a film'...is this a film?"

Justin wasn't impressed with the paparazzi footage the other side decided to show. Not only did he not look at the screen as he was asked to, but he totally dogged their "film" too. What's even better is his baby-like "yes" at the end of the question.

5. "Disciplined? What kind of question is that? Is he my son?"

Funny you said that, Justin. Wasn't it rumored a few years ago that you had a son? Anyway, even he cracked up when asked if he disciplines his bodyguard.

6. "Guess what? Guess what? I don't recall," was another one of Justin's comebacks during the depo. While he reminded us of that brat we all babysat before, his response did make us chuckle. Not to mention he ended it with a Bieber smile. Swoon?

7. The best part has to be when Justin pulls out the infamous Bieber wink to the camera. It's basically the icing on the Bieber-depo cake.

We couldn't help but think two things after watching all of this. Is this real? Will SNL spoof it? We're just waiting for a JB tweet saying it's all a joke...

Check out the Bieber deposition videos below. Enjoy.
