Harry Styles and Leonardo DiCaprio New Besties?

If you thought Harry Styles and Johnny Depp hanging out was the best bromance around, check this out. According to a new report, Harry and Leonardo DiCaprio are planning to spend a little quality time together too. Harry sure gets around, doesn't he?

How does this meeting of the hotties even happen? Seems Leonardo (Leo, ahem) may want to work with Harry and wants to hang to see if Harry would fit the bill for any film roles for Leo's production company.

Because when you think of acting, you think of Harry? Well...not so much, but Harry acting rumors are just the thing of the moment, so why not tag on some Harry/Leo gossip?

We admit we're a bit skeptical that Leo and Harry are having meetings and talking shop, especially since a source told The Sun, "Leo's invited Harry over to his house for a long weekend when their schedules allow to talk work and women," adding, "Bradley Cooper will probably be around too."

Thankfully we didn't have to question the validity of this for too long--a source told GossipCop the story is "very NOT true."
