John Travolta Oscars Fail: Butchers Idina Menzel's Name for 'Let It Go' Performance

Oops. John Travolta totally butchered Idina Menzel's name when he introduced her "Let It Go" performance at the 2014 Oscars. Like, not just a little bit either...

A lot.

We don't understand John's epic fail, but we all heard his bungle and it can never be erased from our earholes--we think he said Adele Dasim?

Um...not even close, John. Did he think we wouldn't notice? Because we so did.

Was Idina thrown off by that messed up intro? The pace of "Let It Go" seemed a bit rushed at times during the abbreviated hit song...maybe she was just feeling the crunch to wrap up the Oscars?

Overall, Idina (hear that John? IDINA) did a bang-up job, and we can guarantee at least a few Frozen fans were singing along.
