One Direction Tribute Band Cashing in on Success of Real 1D

Hey, you can't blame this One Direction tribute band for trying.

While the group calling themselves Only One Direction doesn't look like Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson or Zayn Malik...they're getting by and booking gigs singing 1D hits.

They've been slammed for looking nothing like the One Direction guys, but it's not what they're going for, as they explain with their 1D mashup video, writing: "One Direction TRIBUTE band--not LOOKALIKE. We are a tribute to the awesome 1D music."

Now that that's do they sound? We'll let you make the call on that one.

Bandmember David told The Daily Star, "It's like you're famous for a little while and you get the buzz of being on stage--but none of the stresses and pressure--you can just walk down the street like a normal guy."

Not so much like the real 1D.
