Demi Lovato: Why She Respects Taylor Swift, Advice for Miley Cyrus

The Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift lovefest continues, after the pair were spotted shopping together recently.

In a new interview, Demi throws some major loving Taylor's way--refreshing, given that pop stars are generally rumored to be throwing shade at one another.

Demi talked with Entertainment Weekly recently, where she was asked if she thought not singing about drinking and clubbing would hurt her career.

Her answer had a tie-in with the work Taylor's doing, as she explained, "I don't really care because those things don't apply to my life at all. A good example of that is Taylor Swift. We've had conversations about this where I'm like, 'I have so much respect for you as an artist because you don't have to write about that stuff.'"

Demi continued, "She's like, 'Well, I don't go out.' I don't go out to clubs and I don't party and to me, it says more when you don't have to do things for shock value. You're more respected as an artist. And that's what I want to be, I want to be respected as an artist and not a tabloid headline."

Before you think she's making a statement about Miley Cyrus, back it up...she said of Miley: "I'm in no position to give people advice on their careers. She's having fun and figuring out who she is, and this is the age when that happens. I think that...[long pause and a smile] she's doing her own thing. Good for her."

Always keeping it classy, Demi.
