Justin Bieber given midnight deadline to reclaim pet monkey - and will have to pay for animal shelter stay

Justin Bieber isn’t having the best time at the moment. The poor teen has split from on-off uber-gorge girlfriend Selena Gomez, had over £215,000 in takings stolen from a recent performance and now he’s got himself into some unwanted monkey trouble.

Mr Bieiber‘s rather odd choice of pet has landed the One Less Lonely Girl singer into a little bit of mischief to say the very least.

Mally the monkey, was taken from Justin by German customs in March when the 19-year-old singer failed to produce required vaccination and import papers after landing in Munich while on tour.

Bieber was immediately criticised by animal experts for taking the monkey away from his mother at such a young age just to keep as a pet. Experts say Justin should have left his furry friend with his mother until he was at least a year old and stressed the importance of Mally spending time with his monkey pals as he is a very “sociable animal”.

Mally, who has been spending time in a German Zoo, has also now not only got to get used to his new surroundings but he is now facing life without his superstar companion.

And although the Biebster has followed in the quirky footsteps of the late Michael Jackson with his latest possession, he's made the more responsible decision to leave the pet in more capable hands - yep JB has changed his mind on the cute monkey.

The shelter where Mally has been staying since the customs ordeal in March have been instructed by Justin’s management to keep 20 week old Mally in the zoo.

Currently on a break from his gruelling world tour schedule, Justin recently showed off his more sensitive side when he brought his mum on stage to serenade her in a special mothers day treat. But regardless of his sweet gesture, he has come under fire again from Heinz Joachim manager at the Munich based animal centre:

“The best thing would be not to buy one at all, but if you do, buy five.”

Poor Justin isn’t getting off lightly. Joachim wants the Bieb to cough up: “You can bet we’re going to ask for the money back” adding that the cost of food, care and vet visits at the Munich shelter amounted to "several thousand euros.”

As if all this wasn’t enough to trouble the young star, an overly-eager Belieber took his love for the singer to a whole new level.

The keen fan stormed on to the stage during Justin’s latest performance in Dubai. Running up behind Justin, he jumped on to the singer, sending the piano Justin was playing crashing to the ground before Justin and the fan tousled on the floor.

What a relief it was when the teen heart throb managed to break free and security raced to the scene and removed the over enthusiastic audience member.

Jeez, it seems the Biebster has a lot on his plate at the moment, so we don’t blame him for scheduling a month break before returning to his tour in June.

And if all that wasn't enough Selena pipes up with another blow for the Canadian star
