Twitter campaign to get local teen a meeting with Taylor Swift a success

A local teenager's dream of meeting Taylor Swift is coming true.

Kayla's Kincannon's dream made news in December when the Twitter hashtag #OperationGetKaylaToMeetTaylorSwift went viral.

At the time Kincannon had been battling a brain tumor that doctors says was shrinking. However, just a few days before Christmas a second tumor was discovered.

On Thursday a Facebook page devoted to the campaign posted the following update:
MAJOR UPDATE: Thanks to all of you, Kayla has informed us that she will be having lunch or dinner with Taylor Swift on Saturday. We are told this isn't because of Make A Wish...This is because all of us joining together and campaigning and the local news making calls but MOST of all it's because Kayla has touched our lives and was willing to share her inspirational story with us! We'll post pictures as soon as we get them this weekend! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!

Kayla is now one her way to meet the superstar. She and her parents left Detroit Friday night.

We'll follow up and let you know how the visit goes.
