Demi Lovato admits to tears last Friday night

Demi Lovato is having a great time on "The X Factor" but on Friday night she admits to some tears from something else. On Nov. 17, the reason for her tears came out.

According to Wet Paint, Demi went to see "Breaking Dawn: Part 2." It sounds like she really enjoyed the movie and even broke down in tears during the movie. She went to Twitter to tell her fans about the tears. Demi said: "Do NOT go see Breaking Dawn part 2 if you are a woman who’s PMSing. You WILL cry like a baby... Thanks Twilight.”

It is great to see a celebrity being so honest about PMS and tears. Many people would have just hid this from their fans, but Demi Lovato lets her fans into her life and shares with them.

Demi later tweeted:" #theawkwardmomentwhen you tweet something you probably shouldn't have... #theawesomemomentwhen you realize you don't care!! Haha."
