Justin Bieber's Secret Mistletoe Shoot Ends Up Not So Secret

It looks like Justin Bieber isn't so good at keeping secrets lately, or maybe his fans are just way too good at finding things out.

Earlier this week, some of the Biebs' biggest fans found out the release date for his upcoming Christmas album, which is November 1. Yesterday, Justin tweeted out that he was filming a music video for the upcoming album. "On the set of #mistletoe. Christmas is coming early this year. #nov1st," he wrote. Well, it looks like that was all he needed to set his fans in motion.

By the end of the night, a large number of fans found the video shoot in Tennessee and the street had to be blocked off by the police. Justin tweeted a picture of the crowd saying, "they found us :) best fans in the world. #loyalty - thank u. love yall." The fans even started a sing-a-long of "Baby"!

And the Biebs wasn't only joined by fans, he was joined by Santa himself! So what do you do with Santa? You teach him out to dougie of course! What a hip Santa. We can't wait to see the music video.
