The Three Musketeers line up in new images

The Three Musketeers has probably felt a bit left out this week, with all the attention being given to Bats, Spiders and Men of X, so the production has released two brand-new pics showng ye olde sword-slinging heroes in action.

While Paul W.S. Anderson’s first foray into 3D (the lamentable Resident Evil: Afterlife) failed to quicken many pulses, his next stab at extra-dimensiony filmmaking will hopefully be more Dumas than Dumbass.

The Brit director’s take on The Three Musketeers finds former the Percy Jackson, Logan Lerman, playing the dashing D’Artagnan.

He joins forces with the titular trio - Porthos (Ray Stevenson), Athos (Matthew Macfadyen) and Aramis (Luke Evans) - to fight the forces of badness (embodied here by Orlando Bloom, Christoph Waltz and Milla Jovovich) - all in the glorious third dimension.

Following on from a bunch of good-quality set photos released online a few months ago, today we’ve been given our first proper peek at the ‘all-for-one’ foursome in action.

Thankfully, the spirit of Alexandre Dumas’ tale of derring-do seems to be alive and slashing with costumes, weaponry and flowing hair (facial and otherwise) looking suitably classy.
