Is Demi Lovato's dad the root of her problems and trip to rehab?

A lot has been said about Demi Lovato's dad since she went into rehab. Most of it has been about what a horrible father he is and how he is just trying to garner attention now that his daughter is in rehab. We are wondering if Demi Lovato's problems are due to lack of real relationship with her father.

Patrick Lovato has admitted that he hasn't been there for his daughter as much as he should have been. He has said that he and Demi don't have a great relationship and that it is fault and that he hasn't seen her since she went into rehab although they have talked.

This is what Mr. Lovato had to say to Rumor

"We talk to each other, but we talk to each other privately without other people knowing....That’s something between she and I. She will absolutely always be my partner."

Well, with all due respect Mr. Lovato, if Demi was truly your partner you would have been there for her more than you have.

It is a known fact that a father can greatly influence his children's lives whether he is there or not. A good father can give his children a foundation that they can build their lives on. A bad or absent father can leave cracks in that foundation that can bring a person crashing down when things get tough.

Is it possible that the root of all of Demi Lovato's problems can be traced back to the rocky relationship she has with her father?
