Demi's New Image? "[Neon Lights] Was My Grown-Up Sexy Video"

Britney may sing about working hard, but this girl doesn't stop!

During a press conference after X Factor's elimination night this week, Demi Lovato was asked about her "Neon Lights" music video, her upcoming tour and how her faith has changed throughout the years.

"I'm planning more touring for next year than what's been announced," Demi told us. "I'm not sure where I'm going yet, I want to do a world tour so badly." But juggling the show and her career hasn't been the easiest. "It's been really difficult with doing X Factor over the past two years--I love it, don't get me wrong--but even doing the U.S. tour last year while doing X Factor was just flying to city after city doing X Factor and then concerts so it was crazy. I want to make up for it whenever I can next year."

Speaking of touring, will we be seeing more of Demi's sexy side like she showed us in her Neon Lights video? "This [video] was my grown-up sexy video," she said, "I did it for this video. As I'm getting older I'm becoming more confident and embracing my curves as you can tell in the video." But don't worry, she's taking it step by step. "I hope it's going to be fun like that, but I still want to make my concerts appropriate to all audiences. We'll see."

A lot has changed for Demi in the past few years, but one thing remains the same--her faith. "My faith is really interesting," she told us. "I think over the past few years it's become less about religion for me and more about my personal relationship with God. I believe in gay marriage, I believe in equality. I think there's a lot of hypocrisy with religion." But, "I just found that you can have your own relationship with God, and I still have a lot of faith."
