The One Thing You Never Noticed About Nick Jonas' Teeth

nick jonas teeth smile
Does Nick Jonas really have an extra front tooth? Okay, this sounds crazy AF, but people are talking about Nick's smile and not for the reasons we would have thought.

You know, we'd go with sexy, charming, amazing, handsome, etc. etc. because Nick's smile can light up a room. That's what we noticed, anyway.

Buzzfeed first pointed out the three front teeth theory and dang it, if you start really focusing on Nick's smile, it's like you can't unsee it. There it extra front tooth.

People have been quick to point out that it's just a large lateral incisor's all good. Nothing to see here after all.

Here's a few more pics though, just for further investigation.
nick jonas teeth smile extra front tooth
nick jonas has an extra tooth pic photo
nick jonas has an extra tooth pic

via Source