Selena Gomez Reveals When She Finally Got Over Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez on ElleSelena Gomez is so over being linked to Justin Bieber. They haven't been together for awhile, guys!

"I'm so sick of all of it," Selena recently told Elle magazine.

"I'll forever support him and love him," she said. "We grew up together."

Don't think there's that much bad blood between the two of them, either. She added that their relationship isn't as dramatic as some people might like to think.

"We're too young for that. Nobody was married," she said. "I respect him. And I think he respects me, in a healthy manner."

Sel also revealed the moment where she felt she finally got over Bieber...Yep, at the American Music Awards. You know, right before she sang "The Heart Wants What It Wants." She bawled at the end of that performance. Makes sense, right?

"Everybody was talking about the same thing: my relationship," she told the magazine. "I was so exhausted. I said, 'I want this [performance] to be the last time I have to talk about this. And acknowledge this feeling.'"

She added, "I was kind of devastated. I was like, 'This is all I have right now. This is gonna be it. And all I want is to move on.'"

Selena also confirmed that she had "a thing" with Zedd, her collaborator on the song "I Want You to Know." She's happy not being involved in anything serious. But still, the reporter asked the question on so many of her fans' minds: Would she and Bieber ever get back together? According to the magazine, Selena laughed.

"I don't know!" she exclaimed.

OMG, does that mean there's hope? #OneDay If not, we hope you find the most perfect guy ever, Sel!

via Source