Here's What Nick Jonas Whispered in Selena Gomez's Ear at VMAs After Party

Nick Jonas whisper Selena Gomez ear flirty VMAs after party picRemember a few weeks back, when that pic of Nick Jonas whispering in Selena Gomez's ear while Joe Jonas was spinning the hits at a VMAs after party made people go cray? We were dying to know what they were chatting about, but figured we'd never know the true details of their oh-so-close talking.

Selena dished all to Clevver News, clearing up any possibly "flirty talk" rumors that may have been running rampant. Turns out, it wasn't nearly as romantic as we all imagined, as she explained: "We were actually talking about the event for a little bit because I didn't see him there, and I told him I liked his performance."

She added, "Then, I said hi to Joe, so we were talking. But we grew up together! You know, it's so nice to be able to see people and talk about life. I mean, I've seen him a couple times but evidently that photo was crazy. But it was great to be able to reflect on your life. It's like high school in a way. I love them, they're the greatest, honestly."

Gah. How cute is their Disney Channel high school class, honestly?

As for her past relationship with Nick, as you'd imagine it's ancient history, as Selena told Capital FM (when the interviewer said he called Sel a "good kisser"), "We were babies," explaining it's "really fun" that they're still friendly and "caught up" recently. She added, "That, to me, was like puppy love" and "very sweet," explaining, "He's lovely. I do have a love for him for sure."

Awww. There's still love, y'all. Plus she entertains the idea of going on a date with Nick, you know, just for the interviewer!

Now we need to get to the bottom of why Nick's song "Area Code" seems to have a Selena-related lyric. Or maybe that will always remain a mystery?

via Source