Artist to Watch: Transviolet

Transviolet is a new alternative group that has released a song every few weeks. Their single "Girls Your Age" was initially released via a blog, but that did not stop Katy Perry from tweeting about the group. A week later, Harry Styles tweeted a lyric from the song, too.
This gained the group a ton of hype from both Directioners and Katy Kats.

With the hype, the group released two more songs in the past few weeks titled "Bloodstream" and "New Bohemia." The songs with the catchy choruses and infectious beats are definitely making the group one to keep on eye on in the next few months. "Girls Your Age" even got recognition from remixes that were made.

The lyrics of the group are ones that will relate to this young generation. The group is definitely one that fits with the new alternative storm coming through in music. Today, they just released their new EP, which is more of the catchy alternative tunes.

Transviolet, I cannot wait to see you blow up.

Watch the "Girls Your Age" video below.

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