Ariana Grande Describes Her Upcoming Album 'Moonlight' as 'Vulnerable' & 'Kind of Terrifying'

Ariana Grande Describes Her Upcoming Album 'Moonlight' as 'Vulnerable' & 'Kind of Terrifying'

Ariana Grande looks super sexy while posing for this new V Magazine shoot.

Here’s what the 22-year-old entertainer had to share with Ryan Murphy for the mag:

On her upcoming album: “Well, Moonlight is very honest and very special to me. I feel like this is the most personal music I’ve made, by far. I’m very proud of it and I’m very excited. It’s scary…it’s vulnerable and kind of terrifying.”

On her breakup: “You know, people found out quite a while after it actually happened. By the time I was writing the new album, I had kind of moved on. It’s not going to be captured on the album too much. I’m in a happy place. There aren’t any breakup anthems because I had moved on. I was like, alright. Well, f-ck it.”

On the LBGTQ community: “I mean, here’s the thing: I wasn’t raised in a household where it was considered abnormal to be gay. So for me to meet people who use the word ‘f-ggot’ as an insult, with a derogatory meaning, I can’t take it. I don’t understand it. It’s so foreign to me. I was raised in a household where being gay was like, the most normal thing. You know, my brother is gay, all of my best friends are gay. When my brother came out of the closet, it wasn’t a big deal for my family. Even my grandpa, who is like, super old-school, was like, Good for you! It’s outrageous to me when I see people hate on someone because of their sexuality. I hate the intolerance. I hate the judgment. I hate it so much. Most of my favorite people in my life are gay. It’s something I’m super passionate about, because whenever I would see my friends get bullied, or my brother get hurt for his sexuality, I would become a raging lunatic. I would literally become a raging lunatic because I just can’t take it. When you see someone you love hurting, for such a superficial, bullshit reason, it’s like, how small and spiritually unenlightened and dumb as f-ck can a person be? How much further can your head get up your ass that you’re actually judging someone as a person based on their sexuality before you even have a conversation with them?”

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