Taylor Swift Never Feels Part of the 'In' Crowd, But Doesn't Care

Taylor Swift Never Feels Part of the 'In' Crowd, But Doesn't Care

Taylor Swift looks chic in red, white, and black while posing on the cover of Fashion magazine‘s November 2014 issue, on newsstands October 13.

Here is what the 24-year-old singer had to share with the mag:

On what’s different about her new album: “The last album I made [Red] was a devastated record because [while] I was writing it, I was devastated by a big heartbreak. For this new record, I was in a different place, so it has a new kind of emotional DNA. It’s about exploring the world on your own terms.”

On the new important people in her life: “When I was younger, I was just fascinated by romance and now the most important thing to me is the opinions of [my] sisterhood of friends. Celebrities surround themselves with people who don’t know what they want and only have you to validate their lives – that’s not interesting to me. You should not be threatened by women who are pretty and charismatic and good at what they do…my girlfriends have shaped me more in the past year and a half than any other factor.”

On feeling uncool and unpopular: “I’ve never had more friends who I trust and can rely on, but there’s always a bit of your self-perception that’s frozen in junior high, when you trained yourself to not feel cool. You’ll never really feel like you’re part of the ‘in’ crowd, but growing up means that matters to you less and less every day.”

FYI: Taylor is wearing a Fausto Puglisi coat and dress with Mawi earrings on the cover.

For more from Taylor, visit FashionMagazine.com!

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