Why Taylor Swift's Fans Are a Little Upset With Her Security Team

Taylor SwiftTaylor Swift's fans aren't too happy with her security team. They reportedly make her whole meet-and-greet experience a little uncomfortable.

According to reports, Taylor's team got so overwhelmed at the iHeartRadio festival last weekend in Las Vegas, that they that they got confrontational with a group of fans when one of them tried to snap a pic of her backstage. Hey, why you gotta be so mean?

"I got on the line to do the meet-and-greet with a bunch of what looked like 12-year-olds, and her bodyguard was yelling at people checking for wristbands, being aggressive," one concertgoer told Daily News. "I asked her bodyguard if he read the (September) Rolling Stone piece, and he was laughing about it."

When someone else was heard saying she "needs more security than Obama," he was bumped from the line. "Then I just asked him that when Taylor leaves the room, if I can just take a picture of her walking by for my niece, and he became very nasty and said don't even try to take a picture of her," the source added. "He was so angry and his face was so angry, and he became confrontational. I told him to relax and it's no big deal, I don't need a picture of Taylor that bad."

"The whole incident was nuts. She acts sweet and they act insane," the insider said. "The guy was so cool and in one second (he) became a raging nut job. I thought at some point he must have lost oxygen to the brain."

While Tay was performing, the source was front and center with a friend, and the same guard planted himself in front of him, blocking him from the show.

"He was snarling at me," says the source. "I proceeded to snap pictures and film video right in front of him of Taylor, and his face was boiling."

Atleast they don't beat people up like Justin Bieber's crew does! Do you think her team takes things too far with her fans? Or are they just doing what they have to do to protect Taylor? Chime in.

via Source