"I love Liam; Liam loves me," she said when asked about him. While nothing more was said, we couldn't help but wonder if that means there's still a chance. Neither of them have seriously moved on since their split last year. Hmm...
When asked about her hit ballad "Wrecking Ball," you know, the song everyone knows is about Liam, she said, "It's about finding yourself. I had to set myself free."
If anything, her new fashion choices definitely set her free. The girl barely wears clothes! When it comes to her fashion choices and sexier image, Miley has no restrictions.
"I never think about what someone is going to think," she said during the same interview. "I've always been into fashion. I grew up around Dolly Parton, who is all...tits."
Do you think there's still hope for Liam and Miley?
from Cambio http://ift.tt/1qhsnrD