That Time Taylor Swift's Mom Rescued Stranded Boaters

Taylor SwiftBefore Taylor Swift was the famous one in her family, her mother Andrea Swift was the celeb. Mrs. Swizzle actually made headlines a few years ago when she saved peoples' lives!

According to a newspaper clipping posted online by Tay, her mom rescued two stranded boaters in Stone Harbor, New Jersey back in 2002. "Flashback to 2002 when this was the most attention my family had ever gotten," Taylor captioned the story.

Topped off with an awesome action shot of Andrea on her jet-ski, the story goes into detail about her being a rad rescuing mom. "Powerful winds were stirring the ocean when Andrea F. Swift set out on her personal watercraft from Stone Harbor, N.J.," the article begins.

"The 44-year-old mother from Wyomissing was taking her daughter Taylor, 12, and Taylor's 12-year-old friend Britany R. Maack of Cumru Township for a wave-jumping ride on her three-person watercraft," it continued. That's when Andrea saw a boat stranded on the sand bar. Quickly wanting to help, she took the girls back to the dock, and went back to rescue those stranded.

Don't worry, the story had a happy ending. We just don't know how we are just hearing about this story now. Imagine how those boaters feel today knowing T-Swift's mom was the one who saved them.

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