Anyway, judging by the pics, it looks like they all had a great time. Of course, after a late night, the morning always seems to come a little too soon, which is exactly what happened to 'Ye.
Kim either woke up really early or Kanye slept in really late because she's got her full hair and makeup done and Yeezy is still sound asleep.
Never one to miss an opportunity to snap a selfie, Kim decided to capitalize on the funny photo op, but made sure to get herself in front of the camera as well. Surprised? Yeah, we aren't either...
Knowing how much Kanye hates sharing his personal life in front of any kind of camera, we very much doubt he appreciated his wife playing paparazzi and sharing it with her millions of followers.
Unless he was in on the whole thing and was just pretending to be asleep?
via Source