Has Harry Styles Got A New Girlfriend?

One Direction super-lothario and all-round fit man Harry Styles has shattered the dreams of millions of girls (and boys) this morning, as it was revealed he’s only gone and bagged himself a new lady friend.


The Sun reported today that the Styles has been getting close to none other than American model Paige Reifler, who - as committed fans of Hazza might know already - was linked to the singer way back in 2013.

Oh yeah, remember that?

Paige’s ‘mate’ – some dude called Walter Martinez (snappy name) – posted a photo of Paige and Harry having a snog, but with their faces covered by some sort of weird suit/blazer thing.

(You can totes tell it’s Harry though – look at his arm!)

Anyway, Paige was predictably fuming about the whole thing, so the pair have tried their hardest to keep things ‘out of the limelight’, as they say in celeb-land.

But things changed this week when Harry showed up at the Warner Music summer party at Shoreditch House (wearing that big ol’ hat AGAIN) – with the specific intention of meeting up with Paige.

According to The Sun, “Harry turned up specifically to meet up with Paige but they were as discreet as possible at the event. They both left the main party, which was on the rooftop next to the pool, and went downstairs to the more private restaurant. They were having drinks with her agents.”

Drinks with the agents? How very professional, guys.

But good old ‘Handsy Harry’ couldn’t keep his mitts to himself at the venue, and apparently “ended up putting his arm around Paige - they were very flirty together. They ended up leaving on their own because there were lots of photographers outside.”
