Harry Styles has reportedly given up sex after turning to the mystical ways of Kabbalah.
Yep, the curly bonced lady lover has reportedly turned celibate for his new way of living in attempt to find a ‘truly meaningful relationship’.
Harry is apparently now of the thinking that sex just complicates stuff and if he is ever going to find ‘the one’ he needs to totally get to know them first.
Not just inside, but also out.
An insider explained: "He used to be the big party boy but now he's totally obsessed with spiritual balance and finding inner peace.”
"A lot of his music industry pals in America are into it too, so he's getting loads of advice from them."
Good luck Hazza, something tells us you are going to need it.
Harry was first spotted wearing the give-away red bracelet last week.
However, Kabbalah is more than just cutting out sexy cuddles - it’s a branch of Jewish mysticism, which is thought to have originated in the 13th century.
But why would Harry Styles be interested in that?
The Kabbalah teachings promise a "universal system for self-improvement" and reckon they can help with all areas of your life.
The red string bracelet – which The Beckhams, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Demi Moore and Madonna have all sported at some point – is worn in the belief it ‘wards off the evil eye’.
It’s believed that Madonna got into it in attempt to improve her family relationships and control her mood better and be more happy.
And to be honest, who wouldn’t want all those things?
However, on the downside some have accused the centre of being ‘cult-like’ and a money making scheme.
Kabbalah water sold by the centre is £3.95 for a 1.5 litre bottle and some say members are pressured to buy it in bulk.
It claims it can ‘cure cancer’ (well, that would make it worth the money!) however, these claims have been massively disputed.
The centre’s events tend to take place in luxury hotels, attracting thousands of Kabbalah devotees often costing thousands of dollars each.