Being swaggy can really make you sleepy. Just ask Justin Bieber who apparently needs a good night's rest.
According to a survey done by online bedding retailer Boll & Branch, the Biebs is the most overstressed celebrity in need of a good night's sleep. Justin gained the most votes, with 48% of respondents selecting him as the celebrity most in need of some shut eye. Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan came in at number two and three, with 17% and 16% of the votes. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie came in fourth. Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift both received only 0.66% of the votes.
The point of the survey is apparently a serious message about the benefits of quality sleep. "People who are sleep deprived have very poor judgment when evaluating their own performance," says Donna Arand, PhD, DABSM, clinical director of the Kettering Sleep Disorders Center in Dayton, Ohio, in a release. "They think they are doing well on memory, eye-hand coordination tests, or [good] behavior, but they're not."
Hmm. Maybe, that's why Justin failed those sobriety tests when he got arrested in Miami a few months ago? Juuust kidding.
Scott Tannen, CEO of Boll & Branch, says Bieber will be getting a set of the company's organic bedsheets because he won the survey. Swaggy.