TOP PICK: Ashley Tisdale Covers Boohoo's 'Stylefix' Mag

Ashley Tisdale and her pup Maui keep it cute on the newest cover of Boohoo‘s mag Stylefix.

The 28-year-old actress chatted with the glossy about style and inspiration. Check it:

On her style in three words: “Anything can happen! I don’t like to label my style as one specific thing because I am the type of person that expresses kind of daily how I feel so I can go from, you know, really boho to edgy rocker to like really laid back California style. There are really so many different things, I don’t really stick to one style. I like to do my own thing.”

On her style icons: “My past style icons would have to be, I mean I love Audrey Hepburn, she’s so classic and just beautiful. Present, I love Nicole Richie just because she has this one style that is definitely hers and she completely owns it. She just always looks so good and whenever she like goes to the grocery store, I don’t know how she does it! She always has her hair looking good and her whole outfit and stuff but yeah, I like her style for sure and I love her clothing line, I’m a big fan of hers.”

On her style inspiration: “When I’m need of inspiration I go to my Pinterest – I’m a big Pinterest-er! I found this chick on there, Sincerely Jules, I’ve met her and she’s so nice, I’m such a big fan of hers. I’m not so much a heels girl, I can wear heels at night for something really nice but I’m totally into flats and she just has the coolest flats, I usually have to get everything she’s wearing. I have so many clothes and it just sometimes gets hard to know what I should put with what. It freshens up my whole closet, I guess. Before Pinterest I never really followed any trends specifically, I kind of did my own thing and had fun, I’ve always been a big fan of fashion.”

Ashley is also pictured heading to yoga class on Friday afternoon (March 7) in Los Angeles.
