'SNL' Obama Resorts To Kissing Justin Bieber To Boost Health Care Sign-Ups In Cold Open

Well, you can't get much more "buzzy" than booking the President of the United States on "Between Two Ferns," so how else can President Obama spread the word about his health care plan?

"Saturday Night Live" explored his options in this weekend's cold open sketch, which featured Noel Wells as an obnoxious social media expert with even more "totes viral" ideas on how get more people to sign up for Obamacare by the end of March.

When a photo op with Pharrell's hat, Kim Kardashian and even The Pope can't do the trick, they're forced to bring out the big guns: a kiss with Justin Bieber.

Check out Obama (Jay Pharoah's) hilariously passionate kiss with the Biebz (Kate McKinnon) in the GIF below, and check back for a video clip when available.
