Liam Payne Addicted to Working Out, "Not Eating Properly"

We worry about the guys of One Direction from time to time--the demanding schedules, the constant fan and paparazzi attention can take a toll, you know? But this new bit of info has us concerned about the sensible one of the group, Liam Payne.

Is Liam's workout obsession becoming a problem? And then there's the buzz that "he's not eating properly," which maybe is keeping us up at night just a little bit. Aren't there people watching out for 1D and feeding them all their fruits and veggies after all?

A source tells the Daily Star (via EntertainmentWise): "The intensity of life in the band seems to affect Liam more than the other boys, and going to the gym seems to be one of the only things that relaxes him."

Okay, working out is a good way to burn off some stress...but be careful there, old Payno, because the source added, "But we do sometimes fear he might get carried away--especially if he's not eating properly."

Additionally, his driving instructor commented, "When I was with him recently, he went all day on just coffee and KitKats--five days in a row. He said he didn't want to feel full when he wasn't exercising. That's all he allowed himself."

Do you think Liam isn't taking good enough care of himself?
