Justin Bieber Flips Out Over Selena Gomez Questions During Deposition

Don't ask Justin Bieber about Selena Gomez. The pop star reportedly cussed and stormed out of his Miami police deposition Thursday when a lawyer kept asking him about his infamous ex-girlfriend.

It all went down at the depo in connection with that lawsuit filed by a photog in Miami who claims JB sent his bodyguard-goons to beat him up. According to TMZ, the lawyer for the bodyguard drilled Bieber on various subjects, but things got crazy when Selena was brought up.

The lawyer reportedly asked the Biebs if Sel was ever present during an incident involving fights with photogs. Bieber's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, felt the lawyer was just trying to get a reaction from JB, so he objected. But the loquacious lawyer kept going and asked again. This time Bieber was pissed. His lawyer jumped in and insisted his client was being harassed. The photog's lawyer then asked about Selena again, and at that point Justin and his lawyer stood up and left, and as Justin was leaving he screamed, "Don't ask me about her, do not ask me about her!"

Bieber and his lawyer returned a few minutes later but things got even more intense. Justin responded to a question with the word "Yeah." The lawyer said, "Do you mean yes?" Bieber responded, "What the f*** is the difference between yeah and yes?!"

"What is this, "60 Minutes?" Bieber also fired back to the lawyer. At another point he responded to a question by saying, "OK Katie Couric, what's your question again?"

The lawyer showed Bieber multiple posts from TMZ, and Justin got back at him hilariously, accusing the lawyer of having an obsession with him. The lawyer then asked the singer if he has a prescription for Xanax, and Bieber responded, "No."

What do you think about JB totally going crazy when asked about Sel? Proof he still wants her back or at least has feelings for her? He DID post that Instagram message to her on Monday. Get those details here.

Bieber better get used to all the questions. This is just the beginning of all his legal woes...
