Miley Cyrus continues to define classy and elegant in a new Instagram photo she posted while sunbathing in Florida during tour downtime. "F**kyeahTampa yasss that's a bruise on my arsss," she captioned the shot of her grabbing her crotch while displaying a big bruise on her butt and sticking out her overexposed tongue.
We love the look on her friend's face, who's all, "Girl, are you sure you want to Instagram that?" But maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge...perhaps she's just trying Shailene Woodley's advice to sunbathe her vagina. But Shailene never said to Instagram while trying her tip!
Look, we all know Miley's no angel but can't she tone it down a bit when offstage? She also shared a topless pic of herself today sporting tan lines, which look more like sunburn marks. At this point, the only way Miley could shock us is if she announced she's joining a convent. We'd ask where her mother is, but oh yeah, she's on tour with her.