Are Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Going on Tour Together?

It would pretty much be the most brilliant idea ever and it could happen. A Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez tour?

According to new reports in Star magazine, Jelena have been talking about being the pop music world's Tim McGraw and Faith Hill by going on the road together. They want to do it to brighten up their images and to reconcile their damaged relationship.

We honestly think it would be a great idea. Not only would the two lovebirds be able to be together like all the time, but their show could be a freaking gold mine. Their fans would so go to the show to see him and Sel perform together.

Or wait, would they not be allowed to? Bieber's arrest kind of put a damper on parents. Selena's rehab stint earlier this year probably wasn't attractive to them either. Hmm...But then again, Sel will be able to keep an eye on Justin, so it could be a really good thing.

We also can't help but wonder about that recent, sexy, dance video of the two of them. Was that a hint to a tour together or at least working with each other?

What do you think about a Jelena world tour? Brilliant or too desperate?
