Perez Hilton Slams Ariana Grande: Fans Unite #ArianatorsStandAboveHate

Things are heating up and getting ugly for Ariana Grande, with Perez Hilton ranting about the star and her fans--and fans are firing back with the hashtag #ArianatorsStandAboveHate.

What's going on?

It appeared to have started when Perez slammed Ariana's hair and fashion sense at the Grammys.

Fans were outraged and started slinging the hate at the celeb blogger--even threatening his baby.

In the time since the Grammys, Perez has taken to Twitter to call out Ariana's fans and the star as well, given the hateful comments and death threats he's received.

After dishing out some rumors about Ariana doing drugs recently (he tweeted: "@ArianaGrande Are you okay? I heard someone saw you doing cocaine at a party this weekend. Stay away from drugs, Ariana!!!")--now Perez has taken to Instagram to rant about the situation.

He wrote (and then tweeted the link to Ariana, her brother and mother, her manager, Sam & Cat boss, Nickelodeon, and co-star Jennette McCurdy):

"I know most @ArianaGrande fans are 12 years old- at least they almost all act like it - but ENOUGH is enough! Even 12 year olds KNOW better than to wish death on a baby and say the disgusting things that 99% of her fans have been spamming my Instagram with. I am NOT sorry I said #ArianaGrande was dressed awfully with boring hair at the Grammy Awards. I will not apologize. And, listen up, kids! For every day you continue to say vile things on my photos, I will continue to bring it to the attention of Ariana. Do YOU want her seeing all those tweets pointing to the fact that she has the worst fandom out there? She does. It's the truth. And, at this point, her silence on this matter is shameful. Her team KNOWS what her fans are saying about my family and doing to my Instagram photos. Ariana keeping quiet is condoning and promoting that behavior! Shameful, Ariana. Shameful! Quite being such an enabler and SAY SOMETHING! Until then, I guess I will be a baby myself and do what I think I need to do to get this bullshit to stop. All this silliness started over me saying I did not like her look! I had always supported and liked Ariana. Until now! Over her! And over her fans!"

Is Perez overreacting? Should Ariana respond? Does she have that much control over her fans?

He's not looking for an apology from Ariana, tweeting: "I'm not asking for apologies. They stop and I stop. Super simple."

Prior to the Instagram rant, he tweeted: "@AriThatGlitters 99% of @ArianaGrande fans are leaving DISGUSTING comments on my instagram photos of my son. @JoanGrande @FrankieJGrande"

He added, "@ArianaGrande You KNOW the vile things your fans are saying about my son. Your silence is equally disgusting! @joangrande @FrankieJGrande"

He also believes that Ariana's lack of comment is contributing to the problem, tweeting: "@ArianaGrande It's a shame that you're promoting kids telling me and my son to die by saying NOTHING. Shameful! @FrankieJGrande @JoanGrande"

Twitter user @GrandeTattooed tweeted: "ARIANATORS, replying to Perez's tweets aren't helping anything. Let's all just SUPPORT Ari and not feed into BS. #ArianatorsStandAboveHate"

#ArianatorsStandAboveHate became a trending topic, with a flood of fans tweeting their support for Ariana.
