Justin Bieber Rejects Plea Deal in DUI Case?

Justin Bieber will reportedly not accept a plea deal made by prosecutors in his recent DUI arrest case.

According to TMZ, the 19-year-old singer was offered a deal that is often given to first-time DUI offenders, which includes community service, an alcohol education course, and random drug testing.

Sources tell the site that Justinā€˜s team believes they can get a better deal due to inconsistencies in the police report. Cops said he smelled of alcohol, but Justin only blew a .014 in his breathalyzer. There may also be evidence that he was not drag racing at all.

Justin was arrested in late January for DUI, resisting arrest, and driving with an expired license, after he was pulled over for drag racing. At the time, Justin admitted that he had smoked marijuana and taken prescription medication, which was confirmed in his toxicology report.
