Demi Lovato Knows Selena Gomez's "Deepest, Darkest Secrets"

Remember how Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez used to be BFFs, then had a falling out...then reconnected and are better friends than ever before?

Yeah, there were some missing pieces for awhile about why they drifted apart, but Demi's recent confession about just how bad her drug addiction was kind of explained why Selena distanced herself.

In a new interview with Seventeen magazine, Sel is spilling some more details about what happened--and how they reconnected and are closer than ever.

Selena revealed, "Demi's very, very strong. She's the only person that I would tell the deepest, darkest secrets to. The only person."

She added, "I've known her since we were 7, and we did fall apart for a while," explaining, "She was going through things and I was so young and it was confusing. I processed it saying, 'OK, I don't understand what she's going through so I'm just going to do this.' I don't think it was fair, and I'm so happy that I have her back in my life now."

We're so happy too!

As for all that Demi's dealt with, Selena said, "I feel like we're all given what we can handle, and clearly someone thought she could handle so much--and she could, and she did. And she's incredible for that."

She added, "I couldn't imagine going through some of the things that she went through, and the fact that she is who she is today is insane--she's one of my inspirations."

Selena also talked about a valuable life lesson Demi gave her, explaining, "You can't be afraid of what people are going to say, because you're never going to make everyone happy. Girls are scared of saying what they want. So when you don't like something, you have to say it. [Demi] taught me that."

She talked about how close she is with Demi and Taylor Swift, explaining, "I love my girl friends more than I've loved any of my boyfriends because they have supported me, loved me, and always stood by my side. That's why I love [Demi] and [Taylor]--they support females and love to have that empowerment! I wish girls would stop hurting each other."
