Joe Jonas was always a heartbreaker, judging from a new childhood photo shared by the former member of the Jonas Brothers. The now 24-year-old hunk shared the cute pic on his Instagram, writing: “Been showing real attitude since 89'.”
Real attitude and a real interesting haircut, Joe. But even the worst bowl cut is pretty darn cute when paired with the heartthrob-in-training’s big eyes and bucktoothed smile.
As for the little girl looking startled by the gaping gaze of Little Joe, we kinda wish that was the entertainer’s girlfriend, Blanda Eggenschwiler. (It’s actually internet sensation, Side-Eyeing Chloe. Thanks for that, insightful readers! It’s hard to keep all those memes straight.)
Now all grown up and with a background in modeling, Blanda’s quite photogenic. The two lovebirds have been spotted out a lot of late, perhaps because Joe’s not exactly as busy as he once was following the breakup of his band. At the time of the split, it was rumored Joe was facing addiction issues that were conflicting with the group’s work. Joe calls such reports “ridiculous,” particularly when they involve Blanda.
“It’s hilarious to me, but also frustrating as well,” he told People in October. “It pissed me off when it’s about my girl and even about myself.”
On a lighter note: Joe, want to redo that photo split and include a childhood photo of Blanda?