Jonas Brothers New Album Update: More Songs Announced!

We've got the latest on the Jonas Brothers' new album--yes, we know it's coming "soon," but what can fans expect?

In a new interview with Music Choice, Kevin, Nick and Joe Jonas talk quite a lot about their hotly anticipated album, which is now done!

While we sit waiting for "soon" to arrive (Nick said it'll come at the beginning of fall), here's what the guys had to say about their more mature sounding new album...

Nick explained, "I think that the break was definitely necessary...taking time to grow and learn about ourselves and the world we live in and being able to talk about that in our music...having the freedom to talk about it was necessary."

He added, "Now we have a record we're really proud of with some real depth with what we're talking about and just the sound overall."

As for the songs that made the album cut, here's some disappointing news: tunes "Kerosene," "Buena Vida" and "Meet You In Paris" will not be on the new album.

Nick explained, however, that the songs were "an important part of the journey" to the new album.

Joining "Pom Poms," "First Time" and "Neon," are the songs "Sandbox" and "The World."

Nick explains "Sandbox" is one of his favorite songs on the new album, and it's "about a lot of things, it's mostly about the concept is 'I need to search for my heart, I lost in the sandbox.'"

"The World," they explained, is "a little political."

That definitely sounds like new territory for the Jonas Brothers!
