Selena Gomez Says Skrillex Inspired Her 'Baby Dubstep' Sound

Selena Gomez wants just one thing from her fans when they listen to her new music: dancing.

The former Disney star has turned a corner in her career with the sultry new single "Come & Get It," but during "MTV First: Selena Gomez," she revealed it's just the beginning. "To be honest, most of the record speeds up," Gomez said. "With this album, I got to record over 24 songs, and it was really fun for me to have more of a creative control and more of a say, and that's what was super important to me with this album."

Taking creative control not only gave Gomez the liberty to reveal more about herself in her lyrics, but also to experiment with different sounds.

"I want it to be a mixture of everything I'm obsessed with," Gomez said. "I love to dance and I love to make people dance. It's the best feeling. Doing 'Spring Breakers' was really fun, because Skrillex and Cliff Martinez did the soundtrack, and [Skrillex] kind of inspired me with a baby dubstep, because I have a few songs that have that."

Inventing her new "baby dubstep" sound isn't the only thing that will be different for Gomez, who said she's been paying very close attention to some of her idols to get inspiration for this new phase in her musical career.

"Britney [Spears] was one of my inspirations," Gomez said. "I've watched 'NSYNC, Janet Jackson, they were all about performances. It wasn't necessarily about stage. If you look at any Janet Jackson video, half the time she's in jeans, and I love that. She looks stunning because it's all about performing, so I kinda want to get more into that again."
