Miley Cyrus Has A Message For Her Haters

Miley Cyrus has taken to her Twitter to address some of her haters out there -- in particular, haters who are also Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez fans.

Here’s what Cyrus, 20, had to say in a series of tweets on Sunday:

Everyday someone with a Swift or Gomez in there [sic] name wishes terrible things upon me (death is popular) Please Smilers don’t ever think somehow you are supporting me by being hateful towards other artist. My fans make me proud by supporting my music & everything I do.

Im sure these haters would make their idols much happier tweeting bout their music rather than wishing death upon their peers like psychos

Btw im not saying Smilers can’t act cray cray too. #deaththreats #TOOOOFAR

We are all friends. Why can’t you be?
