'Married To Jonas' Kevin Jonas Q&A: I'm a jerk in arguments sometimes

The Jonas Brothers are only like one of the biggest boybands ever, so you can imagine how excited we were when we found out the second season of Married To Jonas was about to hit UK screens!

The show focuses on the marriage of Kevin and Dani Jonas, so to find out a little bit more we gave Kevin a ring to chat in-laws, having your relationship on show, the wonders of Skype, how Frank Ocean influenced new Jonas Brothers music and what he makes of those young upstarts One Direction...

You're coming back for a second season of Married To Jonas - did you have any hesitation about doing the show again?
"Yeah! You definitely do. You want to make the best decision for your relationship, because that's kind of what's on display, so you have to take that into account and work through it all. But at the end of the day, we are very lucky, and the fact that we were able to do the show again was great. We actually have fun with it - a lot of people have a very hard time with reality shows, but me and Dani, we actually do pretty well. It is hard work and I think that's what people don't realise, but other than that we definitely enjoy it."

Marriages all have ups and downs anyway and being on camera must add so much pressure - do you find that? How does it affect your relationship?
"That's exactly the truth, and you know, to add in pressure to something as big of a deal as marriage is maybe never, like, the best choice. But with us, you just have to be strong and know your relationship and know your partner, and luckily I've got a great one and I know exactly what we both are looking for in this relationship and hoping to get out of it. Every day is a battle to make sure we're doing the best we can for each other."

Do you watch the show together?
"We do. We've been actually live tweeting about the show just to give the fans a little extra here in the US. It definitely is a unique thing to do - like, the other night, there was an episode where me and Dani got into a little bit of an argument and I watched it back and I'm like, 'Yeah, I'm a jerk in this moment!' In those moments you kind of realise, 'You know what? It's okay, though', because you have those moments. Everybody does. Maybe you're a little selfish that day; maybe you want something and it can't happen but you don't want to take no for an answer. Everybody has those moments and you just have to be okay with being open and showing it. But I think that's the hardest thing about doing a show like this - hoping that everyone understands that not every single day is perfect in any relationship and that they don't judge you based on one moment."

Dani's parents move in with you this season - what was it like living with them?
"Yeah, it's good! They're still here. People ask if it was just for the TV show and that was definitely no - they're still here, their home is still being built. It took a little longer than expected. So they're still with us but I enjoy it. It's a little hard on Dani, because she likes everything in its perfect little place - she's very, very particular with that stuff. So when you have that many people in one home it definitely makes you a little bit on edge, and Dani definitely has been. But they're great house guests."

So there's none of that in-law tension? I know that can be the case with some families!
"Luckily, no. Other than them keep talking about grandkids - that's about it!"

Does that get to you a bit?
"Not really, because I'm excited for it and when it happens I'm going to be just as excited, so the pressure only means people are excited about the idea. So for me it works."

You have Joe and Nick on the show, too - what's it like having them on? Is it nice considering you've always kind of worked together?
"Yeah, absolutely - and plus we get to show sides of our lives now that people haven't seen for a while, because we're making new music, we're coming off a new album. The new music should actually be in the UK very soon. So that's actually really important for us to have people hear. I'm actually really looking forward to all of that. I just know that people will be really responsive to it because they get to see Joe and Nick in a different light than usual, so I think that's really unique and cool."

You said you hesitated about doing the show again - did Joe and Nick take much persuasion to take part or were they both really happy to do it?
"No, they knew that me and Dani wanted to do it and they supported us, so they were just like, 'Okay, whatever you guys need'. Just like we do for them - when Nick wanted to do this movie he's doing right now, we were like, 'Of course, go do it'. We're all each other's team mates. One's not like, 'Oh, no, this doesn't work for me'. We really are all working together to make the best possible situation, and I think it's important for people to know we really are each other's best friends. At the end of the day, sometimes we don't always get along because when do friends always get along? But we are a family first and even more than just being brothers in a band."

You guys have one of those fanbases that are really dedicated - how have they responded to the show?
"They've been great. They've really connected with the show, and at the same time they've really taken Dani and really made her their girl in a way. They really, really cherish her and they really care about her and the fans love her, so it's really great to see. Because in my line of work you never know how the female fans are going to respond to another girl, but they've always been so kind and so sweet to Danielle which has been really great."

You mentioned that we're going to see you guys working on new music - that comes with touring and being in the studio. How do you and Dani cope with being apart from each other?
"That's something that you definitely get to see in this season. There's some intense moments of us working our schedules out. Dani wants to come with me and then she can't because she has an opportunity at hand as well, and it just takes a toll. And it really is frustrating sometimes. There's moments where I'm like, 'Here's the thing - I can be here this day but I can't be here this day. Can you make it to me that day?' 'No'. So sometimes our schedules just don't line up and as hard as you try, you just have to make the best of it. But you know, that's why video chat is kind of like the best thing in the world!"

Do you Skype a lot?
"Oh yes. We Skype all the time - me and my brothers, and especially me and Dani, any time we're apart from the person we're with we're always trying to be in touch and call. It's just important to keep that line of communication open, because with what we do it definitely can be difficult."

You've mentioned your music - what can we expect from your new stuff? I heard Frank Ocean was an influence.
"Yeah, definitely Frank Ocean was an influence. There were so many people that influenced this next album, just more the direction and the tone. We took our time. We all did individual things for a very long time, and we needed to. It's just like anything - sometimes you just need to take a break, you need to take some time off to realise what you have and what you need to make in the future and we lived a little bit of life so we could write about it, and I think if we hadn't, I have a feeling the album would not be as good as it is - that's my opinion of the album - and I don't think people would have connected with it as much. Which is great to hear because I think when people listen to it they're like, 'Wow, you guys really opened up, and really gave us insight into things that were going on in your lives', and I think that was important for us. So hopefully the fans will agree."

Do you think it's a little more grown up?
"Yeah, oh definitely. We're all in our 20s and I'm 25 and married. The content is different than it was before. We're not talking about simple little things any more, we're talking about actual things in life that matter. And I think that people have grown with us as well. Our fans that were 16, 18 are now also in their 20s and so they're dealing with real life issues and starting to have real relationships and families and things like that. It's definitely pretty intense and really cool to see."

When you guys started you kind of brought back the whole boyband thing, and now there are guys like One Direction out there. What do you think of all these new bands coming out?
"One Direction's great - I just met Harry a couple of days ago actually, and he's just super nice. I'm just happy that music and pop is coming back. We've always been a band that are a little bit different than most - we're writing our own songs and producing everything and creating it our way, so you know, we have a little bit different kind of grasp on everything. But all these guys that are out there doing their thing, I'm happy for them, and I wish them all the success in the world."

Married To Jonas season two premieres Sunday, May 26 at 8.30pm on E! Entertainment Television.
