Demi Lovato talks new album: 'I'm aiming for global success'

Four her fourth studio album, Demi Lovato has made no secret that the LP could be her "next level" moment; a record that could turn her into a global star.

What's more, with the album already being her most successful in the UK as well as earning a top five placing in the US, she's well on her way to achieving her ambitious goal.

We met up with the singer to talk about the collection, whether a long-awaited tour is in the works and how she's getting on with the newest members on the X Factor USA panel.

Hi Demi! Welcome back to London. Where do you hang out here when you're not working?
"I don't come here often, so it's good to be back. I don't really do a lot as I don't have many friends out here! I like to go out and drink tea - keeping it nice and relaxed. I'm here with my best friend this time so we'll do some fun stuff I'm sure."

Congratulations on Demi charting in the top ten in the UK and top five in the US; you must be pleased?
"I'm really, really thrilled. My last album debuted about 30 places lower over here so it's great. I knew I had fans here but I didn't know I'd reached people to that level."

The album has quite a 'global' sound to it; do you think that's why it's been a bigger success?
"I think so. It's funny - you can be on people's radars but if you don't put out music they like then they won't buy your album, whether you have 13 million Twitter followers or not! I'm sure X Factor helped but I believe the album has a bigger sound as a whole. I didn't just want to appeal to my US fans - I'm going for the whole global thing now."

Unbroken seemed to be the moment when a lot of people discovered you in the UK. Were you pleased with how that album played out?
"With Unbroken it was good... it wasn't my favourite album but it was a good experience and some of the songs did quite well over here, which was a good start."

It feels like there are a lot of potential singles on this album; what do you want to release next?
"Thank you! I know what the next single is but I can't say just yet. The goal was obviously not to have any fillers on this album. I recorded several more songs that didn't make the album, but if there wasn't a possibility of it being a single then it wasn't going to make the album. There are maybe two songs which are more emotional that I don't think would work as singles, but people even seem to want those to be released. It's a great feeling as a musician in the pop industry."

Which songs do you feel are too personal to release as a single?
"'Shouldn't Come Back' and 'Warrior' are very personal songs to me. I don't know if I'll ever perform them live. That said, if the label want to release one of them as a single then I'll have to! There's a song on my last album called 'For The Love Of A Daughter' and I've never performed it live because it's so personal. No-one needs to see me that vulnerable! That's what albums are for."
You worked with Cher Lloyd on 'Really Don't Care'. Will you be returning the favour on her album?
"I remember working on that song with her on Skype - how mad is that we can do that these days?! We met when she performed on The X Factor last year - she's so sweet and super cool. As for working together again, you never know!"

The X Factor USA auditions started a week ago; how are they going?
"It's going really great. I love the new judges, they're amazing. Kelly is so much fun to work with - she's got a great energy about her and we connect really well. It was just an instant, off-the-bat kinda thing. Paulina is doing great as well - she's really, really huge in South America and I'm glad the show is representing that side of things more."

You mentored the girls last year; who would you like to look after this series?
"The girls again! But who knows, we'll have to see what happens. It feels like a natural fit for me but anything could happen. I'm up for the challenge."

Are you missing Britney Spears and LA Reid?
"Of course! I do miss them. We spent a lot of time together and we'd formed those bonds, but it's a new chapter now and I'm excited to start a new experience with new people."

You're playing a one-off gig in the UK this week, but are there plans for a proper UK tour soon?
"Right now there are no plans to tour in the UK or anywhere - not even in the US. You never know, I say that now and then I'll end up going on tour! I've got so many commitments and this summer I'm getting my tonsils out, so there's a whole process with that. It's a little bit of a bummer but I'm sure I'll be fine within a few weeks - things could be worse!"
