Hermione Way Explains Why She Turned Down $100K To Kiss & Tell About Harry Styles Hot Tub Romp

On Saturday, Bravo 'Start-Ups: Silicon Valley' star Hermione Way wrote a long Facebook post titled "Kiss and don't tell: Why I decided not to sell my 'dirty harry' story to the press."

The post attempts to explain why the reality star and health entrepreneur turned down an alleged $100,000 offer from an entertainment reporter wanting Way to spill details on her now infamous hot tub romp with One Direction boy bander Harry Styles -- just hours after he broke up with Taylor Swift.

"As soon as the first story broke I received emails from more than ten journalists, offering me cash for further details on the story or as it's called in tabloid speak; a kiss and tell," explains Way in the post. "One journalist's hunger for the story meant he hunted me down and sought me out ... He followed my Twitter stream and saw that after the Caribbean I would be in Vegas for CES."

Way goes on to reveal, "The first offer was 50,000 pounds ($80,000). He would make sure I was portrayed in a 'good light' and would help me sell it to subsequent magazines and papers."

Ultimately, Way chose not to "kiss and tell" -- but we suspect there was nothing to tell in the first place.

As Business Insider's trustworthy source previously told us, "nothing really happened between them" and all of the reports are "overblown."

In fact, Styles jumping into the pool with Way was as far as it got, we're told.

But Way wants her nearly 15,000 Facebook subscribers and 22,000 Twitter followers to commend her on her so-called class in handling the press situation following her wild trip to Necker Island.

"Keeping the trust and relationships of the group of people I was with on Necker island meant more to me than making a quick buck out of some poor, broken hearted teenage boy," Way continues. "I had one of the best weeks of my life on Necker with a group of people who are some of Silicon Valley and the technology industry's elite investors, entrepreneurs and technologists. Throughout the week we spent much time hanging out and talking to Richard Branson - he is such an incredible person and I also wanted to keep his trust."

The post has 304 "likes" and 142 comments, ranging from kudos on her class to the hypocrisy of her words, Read the open letter in its entirety below:
