Justin Bieber: Criminals Plot His Murder, Police Bust Them Just in Time! What?!

Dude, there are some serious wackos out there!

Just ask Justin Bieber, who is just finding out, along with the rest of the world, that three men were allegedly plotting his murder!

Yep, you read that right!

A convicted felon and Bieber fanatic (he has a pic of JB tattooed on his leg!) named Dana Martin allegedly recruited two fellow inmates, Mark Staake and Tanner Ruane to kill Justin. After an intense murder plot was set up, the two inmates set off to get the job done.

Luckily, Staake and Ruane were stopped and arrested while in route to JB's recent Madison Square Garden show(s) where, according to investigators, they planned on kidnapping and killing the Biebs and his bodyguard!

This story is basically a real-life version of Eminem's song "Stan!" So creepy!

Martin, a total belieber, reached out to Justin a few times and he never responded. So in return, he plotted to kill the singer.


Justin's people released a statement saying, "We take every precaution to protect and insure the safety of Justin and his fans."
