On Nov. 15, Harry Styles of One Direction fame was on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" when the humorous host decided to play a game with this famous guy on the receiving end of a butt pat.
Hey, don't get the wrong idea. Ellen had set up a scenario with a trio of fans who were blindfolded so that each could identify a particular One Direction bloke without actually seeing that particular person. Most of the blind tries were attempted by patting down the heads of each member until the right haircut felt right.
That said, in trying all kinds of tricks to trick up each competitor, a couple of his boy bandmates decided to pick up Harry by the legs so that his long locks were out of range for a quick feel, but his tight behind was, conveniently, at arm's reach. This led to a surprise for the girl who had put blinders on, but who probably enjoyed herself just as much as if she would have had she been able to see everything that happened.
Meanwhile, some 5,000 fans were watching these antics during a very special outdoor concert and, collectively, they squealed with glee as Harry Styles was felt up during his visit with Ellen DeGeneres on her show on Thursday. Fun times in Hollywood, for sure!