Miley Cyrus: Nick Jonas Was My Biggest Heartbreak

In a brand new interview Miley reveals that she was in love with Nick and he broke her heart when she was 14.

Miley Cyrus has had her heart completely broken by Nick Jonas!

The 19-year-old says that she totally understands why girls might think it’s the end of the world when a guy breaks up with them, but she says there’s one thing you must remember.

“I had my biggest heartbreak when I was 14,” she says. “I was in love with somebody. I was in love with this person, I thought … the rest of my life is ruined because he doesn’t love me back. He doesn’t think I’m pretty then I’m not pretty. He doesn’t think I’m worth his time then I’m not.”

Miley says that even though it can seem like your world is crashing down around you, just remember this:

“This too shall pass … its not the end of the world,” she says. “Its not the eend of the world until there’s no more pulse you know what I mean? You’ve gotta keep going. Its something I always tell myself its generic but its true its a big something to remember.”

But now that Miley is in a serious relationship with Liam Hemsworth, we bet she’s happy it didn’t work out with Nick!
