Selena Gomez Topless Photo Hits the Web

Those ‘tween girl Disney stars, now all grown up, seem to have acquired a taste for the wild life. First Miley Cyrus struts all over the place looking like a slut, and later being caught with smoking a substance of question from a bong. Then Demi Lovato entered a rehab facility for both physical and emotional issues that she was experiencing when the rumors began to circulate that she had been quite the party girl at the time. And now?

Why it’s Justin Bieber’s girlfriend-not-girlfriend, sweet little Selena Gomez. Some people may not find her so “little” once they see the photos that have begun to circulate the webernets.

The two photos appear to have been shot with a cell phone and appear to be of Gomez posing topless for a photographer or she may have been standing in front of a mirror using a camera. If you’re as shocked as some parents and teen boys are sure to be, how the picture was taken won’t even figure into the scene.

Gomez herself has denied that the photographs are of her, making light of the slightly different hair features of the young woman in the photographs.
