Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift Fame Comic Books 2011!

Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift comic books hit Wal-Mart shelves in 2011.

Coming soon to a Wal-Mart near you: Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift graphic novels! The special edition works of Bluewater Productions will be based off the bestselling Fame: Justin Bieber and Fame: Taylor Swift, but the special edition versions will now offer bonus material like new story content and never before released artwork.

Publisher Darren Davis explains why the special editions were made, saying “Each of these titles sold out during their initial release, but now we are nearly doubling the size of the book and giving fans and collectors more of what they want”.

Fame: Jusin Bieber will be released in March 2011, with Taylor Swift’s version closely following with a planned release date of May. Fame: Cast of Glee will be sandwiched in between, and is poised for release in April.

Having a deal with Wal-Mart means great visibility for the Bluewater Productions merch, and I personally feel the books would fit in perfectly (perhaps strategically placed in the dog food aisle, or perhaps next to some garbage bin liners).

I’m clearly being a hater. In all honesty the artwork for the Swift and Bieber books does look pretty awesome, and I imagine the story line can benefit anyone in need of a good laugh.

Each Bluewater issue will be selling for $7.99, and are also available for purchase through Amazon, Barnes and Noble online, and Borders online.
